
We provide a range of services to help support you on your immigration journey, including:

A detailed meeting in which we answer your questions and discuss your situation and needs. For those who go on to use our full application service, the consultation is free.

Tell us your situation and get an assessment of your options. You could even get the chance of a free consultation worth $100!

We offer tailored assistance in preparing and managing applications across a range of visa subclasses, giving you confidence that your application is complete and decision-ready.

Whether you are an accountant, chef, engineer or nurse, having a positive skills assessment is often the first step to gaining residency in Australia. We can support you across a range of assessment bodies, helping you to start your migration journey the right way. 

We have first hand experience in navigating the complexities of the sponsored visa system. Whether it is employer sponsorship, family sponsorship, or a State/Territory nomination, we can help you find your way through the confusion.

If you are a permanent resident and looking to apply for citizenship, contact us to check your eligibility and confirm when you may be able to apply.

Being contacted by the Department of Home Affairs for further information can be a serious matter. An incorrect or careless response could doom your chances of success. Contact us now to see how we can help.

Visa refusals and cancellations can have serious and immediate consequences, and we understand that this can be an extremely stressful time. If you are facing a refusal or cancellation, please contact us to discuss how we can help.

A negative decision from the Department of Home Affairs does not mean the end of the road. If you have had an adverse outcome that is incorrect or unfair, contact us to see if we can help you challenge the decision and get things back on track.


What Do Our Services Include?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a migration agent?

Migration agents provide immigration advice and assistance, including help lodging visa applications. In Australia, migration agents must be registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA).


Registered Migration Agents are trained in migration law and have specialist legal qualifications. They must maintain a professional library, and they must keep their knowledge up-to-date through regular training.


Registered Migration Agents can advise you on your eligibility for visas, as well as provide guidance on application procedures and likelihood of success. They can also help manage the application process, which can often be long and complex.

Do you really need a migration agent?

For simple cases and applicants who have straightforward histories, in most cases there is no need to use a migration agent. In fact, the majority of visa applications are made without one.


However, Australian migration rules are complex, with the laws and regulations changing extremely frequently. A Registered Migration Agent will help you navigate the system to ensure that your application meets all the requirements and stands the best chances of success.


Choosing to use a migration agent is a personal decision. If you do decide to use one, you may find that they can:
– Help identify the most suitable visa pathway for your circumstances;
– Strengthen your application, supported by the latest information and migration legislation;
– Save you time and money by reducing the chances of making an error and having your application refused;
– Streamline the process, reducing uncertainty and stress, especially for applications that have life-changing outcomes.


As Registered Migration Agents, Breeze Migration offers professional tailored assistance to help achieve your goals. We can advise on your different visa options and provide an honest assessment on your situation.

Does using a migration agent guarantee my visa will be granted?

Migration agents cannot guarantee that a visa will be granted. Visa decisions can only be made by the Department of Home Affairs; migration agents are independent from the Department and cannot make visa decisions.


However, a good migration agent can advise you on the likelihood of your application being successful, and can strengthen your application to help reach a positive outcome. Being independent from the Department also means that migration agents can protect your best interests in any dealings with the Department, and give you objective advice on the best steps to take in your individual circumstances.

Can a migration agent get a visa granted quicker for me?

Using a migration agent does not guarantee the Department of Home Affairs will process your application faster.


However, Registered Migration Agents can help you prepare and submit “decision-ready” applications that are easier and faster for the Department to assess, thereby reducing the potential for delays and uncertainties.

Don’t migration agents just fill in some forms?

Migration agents are more than just form fillers. In fact, form-filling is often the least time-consuming part of an agent’s work.


When it comes to navigating the complexities of migration law, agents apply analytical thinking and logical reasoning to each specific case.


A professional agent stays up-to-date with relevant case law. They know the key factors to be considered and the potential pitfalls to be avoided, even in seemingly straightforward situations.


At Breeze Migration, we understand that each case is unique and results can sometimes hinge on the smallest detail. We have honed our skills alongside a deep understanding of the substantive law and relevant legislation, to ensure that we can give you the best chances of a positive outcome.


We are focused on delivering results for you. Our friendly and professional team are committed to handling your case with the utmost care, expertise, and dedication.

Is using a migration agent worth the cost?

At Breeze Migration, we know that financial considerations can be a significant factor in choosing to use a migration agent.


Our fees are designed to be affordable, and offer great value for money when considered against the benefits that our services provide.


Australian migration law is complex, and no two applications are the same. Minor differences in circumstances can lead to vastly different outcomes. Errors and lack of understanding of the law could lead to costly consequences that can be difficult to recover from.


Our Registered Migration Agents are trained and qualified in Australian immigration law. We are regulated by the Migration Agents Registration Authority. We abide by a strict Code of Conduct and are duty-bound to protect your best interests.


Our agents all have personal experience of being migrants to Australia. We understand the anxiety, stress and frustration involved in the process. Our mission is to make the process as smooth as possible and accompany you at every step.

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