Business Innovation & Investment Visa (Subclasses 188/888)

These visas allow you to own and manage a business, conduct business and investment activity, or undertake an entrepreneurial activity in Australia.

The subclass 188 visa is a temporary visa allowing a stay of up to 5 years. Holders can then apply for the permanent subclass 888 visa if they meet certain requirements.

There are multiple streams available, each with significantly different requirements. We will help you to identify the most suitable stream for you, depending on your business and personal visa history.

If you are worried about encountering issues or restrictions when applying for this visa, we may be able to help. Please contact us for more information.


As part of the specific visa requirements, you may have to:

As part of the general eligibility requirements, you may have to:

If you cannot meet one or more of these requirements, contact us to discuss possible options.

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