Other Family Visas

Reuniting families is something we take great pleasure in helping our clients with. Australia has a range of visas designed to allow the children, parents and other relatives of Australian residents to join them.

Many of these have very specific and precise requirements, and can be highly specialised depending on the individual circumstances of both the applicant and sponsor.

Our staff can help you understand the different visa requirements, allowing you to be reunited with your loved ones at the earliest opportunity.


Offshore Contributory Parent

(Subclasses 143/173)

Onshore Contributory Parent

(Subclasses 864/884)

Non-Contributory Parent

(Subclasses 103/804)

Aged Dependent Relative

(Subclasses 114/838)

Remaining Relative

(Subclasses 115/835)

Dependent Child

(Subclass 445)


(Subclasses 101/802)


(Subclass 102)

Orphan Relative

(Subclasses 117/837)


(Subclasses 116/836)

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